Enroll in Bible Study by Mail

Enroll in Bible Study by Mail

In order to promote a better knowledge of the Bible, the Four Lakes Church of Christ is offering a free series of Bible study lessons that can be completed entirely through the mail.  There is no obligation, the course is self-paced, and no one will visit you unless you request it!

Simply fill out the following form and we will mail you the first lesson.  We will grade the lesson and return the results with lesson number two, and so on, until all of the lessons are completed and you receive a certificate of completion. Please note, at this time we are not shipping these studies outside of the United States. If you are interested in Bible Study by Mail outside of the US, we recommend downloading them with the download link below.

If you would rather take the quiz online, we have made available our quiz on James online.

To enroll in a Bible study course in French, please visit: www.ecolemondialedelabible.org 


If you are a church organization or are looking for the lesson files, click here to download them.